Regardless of what your life style or Physical appearance is, determination and passion are all that's needed to train for your dream career! Huge Congrats to our incredible Firefighting Class 4 students - you're breaking barriers and inspiring others along the way.
We are bursting with pride for each and every one of you! At Alpha-1, we're always here to support and guide you on your journey towards turning dreams into realities. Take that first step today, and let us show you the path to absolute success! #FirefightingClass4
We Accept Installment via 𝑯̲̅𝑶̲̅𝑴̲̅𝑬̲̅ 𝑪̲̅𝑹̲̅𝑬̲̅𝑫̲̅𝑰̲̅𝑻̲̅ !!!
For more information and courses offered, please contact us at: Contact No.: Smart: +63961-897-0800 Globe: +63977-036-3600 +63917-557-7744
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Office Address: #100 Magsaysay Drive (4th floor) East Tapinac, Olongapo City, Philippines. Along 7th St. Friendship Rotonda, in front of 7/11 Store.
“Desire To Serve, Ability To Perform, Courage To Act.” We Are...Alpha-1
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